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Seaweed Fertilizer

Product name : Seaweed Fertilizer

Product abbreviation : Seaweed Fertilizer

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Corporate name : Rizheng Jiuan Science & Technology(Beijing) Co.,Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : 30g/L,Alginate:10g/L,Ti:5g/L,B:4g/L,amino acid:30g/L     Monthly production : 500 tons

Packaging : 1L,5L,20L,200L,1000L Package

Product description : RZ Seaweed Contained Water-soluble fertilizer is a kind of quick-acting fertilizer. It has good water-solubility and no residue. It can be completely dissolved in water and directly absorbed and used by roots and leaves.Its effective absorption rate is more than one time higher than ordinary chemical fertilizer, and the fertilizer effect is fast, which can solve the nutrient demand in the rapid growth period of crops

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